Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is one piece of advice that you would like to share with Answerees tonight?

Field is wide open. Whatever is on your minds.What is one piece of advice that you would like to share with Answerees tonight?
I had 9,000 points. So glad to warp up to level 6. Instead they put me again at 9,000 points. This is the SECOND time this has happened. Yahoo just won't listen.

Bah humbug, valentine's day style.

Thanks for letting me vent.What is one piece of advice that you would like to share with Answerees tonight?
Don't eat fuzzy cheese. Don't mud wrestle in a bikini with a midget. Never cheat on your taxes.

Live every day like you've just done one of the above.
God is above all.

Don't regret. It's just a waste of time.

Don't worry. It changes nothing.

Don't focus on the past or the future. Focus on the present and God will take you where you need to go.
look both ways before you cross the street
ALMOST HONEST.....sweating bullets
Just try to play nice.
For those lucky enough to have a date, do what my friend always does, lucky or not: keep a Trojan in your wallet.
What goes around, comes around -- AKA be nice to people!
Don't pee down my back and tell me it is raining.
don't get reported
Get to bed on time you fellas!
if u dont give best answer to some people u may get reported...apparently..because i asked a valid question and someone reported that as chatting...oh well.
Life=pushing a boulder up a hill, just to watch it roll back down.
Don't let valentines fool you.
Gasoline and fire don't mix.
Valentine's Day only matters because you get free chocolate.
don't attend the jello wrestling extravaganza at the senior center
don't sit here so long you get carpal tunnel, like I do.
I wish I hadn't gotten so attached... gosh, that's harsh for me on Valentines day
From a old man--don't ever put your job/work be for your family--

been there- done that- the kids grow up and the grim reaper thats your loved one and you are left with nothing

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