Friday, April 30, 2010

If you could give someone just one piece of weight loss advice to follow, what would it be?

Be realistic.

A lot of advice goes toward telling people to eat less, exercise more, eat certain things, not eat certain things, move at certain times, etc.

But to me, it's about being able to maintain it. And the best way to do that is to allow yourself time to cheat a little bit, or take that one day off from the gym. Too intense too fast, and you won't be able to keep it up.

Best of luck!If you could give someone just one piece of weight loss advice to follow, what would it be?
eat and think healthy and exerciseIf you could give someone just one piece of weight loss advice to follow, what would it be?
If you want it bad enough it WILL happen.

(eat less; move more)

don't crash diet because in the end it gets you nowhere

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