Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Moms any advice or did you ever feel like this?

My 6 year old son land up getting 3 stitches for the first time ever.He ended up with a cut on his cheek bone because he hit the coffe table trying to answer the door because his friend was knocking .I just feel so sad.I feel like the worse parent ever.Even though i couldn't of prevented it. Did any of you moms ever feel like this?Also any advice so when it heals to prevent scarring whould be appreciative.Any creams etc.......Thanks momsMoms any advice or did you ever feel like this?
You caring so much shows you're a good mom. It's normal to feel we failed in protecting our kids - even if it was just an accident and we couldn't have really prevented it.

You took him to the doctor and handled it. My story of my son's scar (fortunately on his eyebrow) was as a toddler he decided to stand on a six pack of Cokes... fell off them and managed to hit right above his eye on the corner also resulting in the need for stitches! (Why couldn't it have been on a healthier drink! lol)

I've heard Neo Sporin makes silicone sheets that will minimize scarring. The website below lists them as well and also mentions gentle massage to increase circulation and prevent dense collagen areas.Moms any advice or did you ever feel like this?
My mum was baby-sitting a few weeks ago and my nephew tripped over his big bro's foot and cracked his head open on the coffee table. Do not beat yourself up over it-kids have accidents.

You can usually buy little gel pads that can help soothe scarring. It's like $80 for a strip here in AU but you can cut it up into scar-sized strips and reuse each one with washing at least ten, twenty times. For something on the head, put it on and hold it in place with a band-aid while he's sleeping for a few months. One strip ought to last 6 months.

I used to work in a skin clinic and we used these on people who had sun cancers removed from their faces. I even used one on a horrible boil scar I got from catching Golden-staff from a patient and it worked great.
my middle son ended up with a staple in his head when he was 2 because he spilled the can of baby formula... ( the 3rd can that week) and i finally gave him a spanking for it.... then he got really mad and threw him self on the tile floor and cut his head .... i felt SO bad i know it wasn't my fault .... he threw his own self on the floor but still....
I felt horrible once when my daughter was watching the Cheetah Girls and they were dancing she said I am just like them, watch me. I looked over and she did a flip off the chair and landed on our marble fireplace. She sliced the back of her head open and got 8 stitches. I felt horrible and now whenever we watch Cheetah Girls she calls it her Bloody movie (great name right?) I have another story but I can't even type it I feel so horrible!
I never felt like the worst parent ever because my child had an accident. But in this case, i hope your son will realize that when we are in a big rush, it can lead to getting hurt.

It's not your fault. Accidents happen. Just be thankful it wasn't his eye. And take care, ok?
I have felt like that before but just remember that little ones are going to get bumps and little bruises. There is a cream out there called mederma but not sure how well that works. I know exactly what you mean because I have a 2 and 1 year old.
Hmm... Let's see. My son was 3. I had a wild hair and decided to clean out my closet... completely. He was running around playing, when I decided to move the closet doors out of the way, as they were already off the track. I told him to go sit on the couch until I was done, so I'd know he was safe. Not one of my brighter moments. He ran out of the room, and I stupidly assumed he was doing as he'd been told. As I came around the corner with the closet door I saw he was running back to me. There was no time to react. He bounced his head off the closet door so hard it knocked him on his butt, cutting his eyebrow in the process.

I put the door down and went to comfort him. He ran from me, assuming he was going to be in trouble. Had to chase him down, it was bleeding terribly, we were off to the ER to get stitches, where in triage they asked me to be quiet so he could tell them what happened. (they were worried about child abuse) So what does he tell them? ';I fell down.'; What does every poster child of abuse say? ';I fell down'; So I tried to get him to tell them what happened. He wouldn't. So finally she asked me, and told me not to worry, just give the short version.

I told her the short version didn't sound good. She assured me it was okay. So I told her I hit him in the head with a closet door. The look on her face was priceless. She then naturally wanted the long version. So I explained it.

Was a terrible day in my life. I still feel awful remembering it. It took 3 stitches. He still has the scar. It's not as noticable as it used to be. He doesn't remember it, I'll never forget.

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