Thursday, December 31, 2009

What did you do when you 22 years old? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

If you were 22 year old. what did you do then?



Working Part-time?

Working Full-time?

Taking care of other?

All of the above..

None of the above

What is your respinsbilities? Do you like being 22? What would change if you can be 22 years old again? What did you learn from your experience.

I am a confused 22 years old. I want to learn from you. Thank you for your kindness :)What did you do when you 22 years old? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
i studyied in school, work part time and i also have a family to care for. 22 was an age where i gain a lot of experience through learning. I learn how to run a restaurant and that is what i am doing today.What did you do when you 22 years old? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
at 22 my parent were freshly divorced from what i thought was a perfect marriage. I worked 52hrs a week to avoid home, I did some major major major partying. I had to start paying rent with the loss of my moms income(i lived w/my dad).umm lets see 22 sucked!!! I like where I am at now at 29 but I would say 25-27 were my funnist of the 20's. If I could change any of that I would have slowed down and not avoided my personal issues and try to improve my inner self and outer for that matter. I would have just slown down. good luck with your journey!
I had a full-time job at an office. I had a little, teeny apartment next to the zoo and a cool old motorcycle.
I was a doctors receptionist out in the country, working hard by day, partying hard by night. . I suddenly realized that I might like to work for quite some time into my life (not get married, have kids and never work again, like my mother said would/should happen!).

So I decided that I wanted more of a career - no matter how much I loved doing what I was doing. I left the country, moved to the city and started looking for a job that had ';places to go'; in it - some thing with a bit of meaning and direction to it. I found it, decided to study a bit more and now hold a senior learning and development position within a multinational organisation.

Not bad for a girl from the bush eh!

So I would suggest that if you can't decide today when you are 22, it would be okay to not decide until 25. Just don't burn yourself out now by partying so hard that you ruin your future (ala. Lindsay Lohan).

I'd change nothing about what I did. Have fun - enjoy, keep your wits about you and reflect on things - you never know when you suddenly get the inspiration regarding what it is you want to be.
At 21, I moved to England for 6 months and spent another 6 months in Switzerland during this time I did travel on weekends to see the rest of Europe. So to actually answer your question... at 22, I moved back home (Canada) to start my career.

Travelling was the best thing I did and I'm not that far off from when I was 22 but I feel always feel a sense of satisfaction for having done that because I wanted to do it when I was 18 but obviously I was too young. I am not saying move to Europe or anything but travel, travel, travel... Its the best thing you can do if you really want to try and do things on your own. Of course you need money for this so if you have it go for it!

I hoe you figure things out! Cheers!
Being that i was just that age only 3 months ago, i was working PT and going to school. Then i was shy with the women and want to make a change now I'm yr older. i learned alot about myself and grew closer to god. Just take each age as growing in self and others and teaching others with your life most of all. Each day given is a gift and take the most of it. Grow closer to others and to your family, talk to them and let them know you as you are and they could help you find who you are! Peace
At 22 I graduated from college, got my first teaching job, bought my first car (a Pinto), and got married. I like my age now. My youngest child will be 22 in December. Wow.
at 22 i was a college graduate and I Partied, worked full and part time to have enough party money of coarse. But I never had a real relationship. Never really had any responsibilities nor did i learn to be responsible until i got to thirty. too tired to party now. the twenties are always confusing. the key is to find your passion and do anything to attain it!!
I studied and worked part time, took care of family and others, did not like the age 22 too much as it was a lots to do and all I could think about was college and I succeeded.
I'm Assuming you are graduating college.

In three words.

Be a pirate.

i.e. backpack through New Zealand, Go to Europe, Work for the summer in Alaska. Join the Peace Corps. Work on a presidential campaign.

You'll have one chance in your life to do this stuff without the responsiblities you'll have in a few years. Job/Family etc. Take it now.

Carpe Diem!
I was in college,did all of the above.We are bound to make mistakes,but the lesson is worth it.I don't regret anything.Don't come on here asking for help though.Opinions run rampant.My how to will not neccassarily be yours.Advice is free,and most of the time not worth the price.Talk only to people that are successful in what you are inquiring about.
I had my own place, took care of my dad, worked full time as a waitress, and took ground school for my pilots license. Went out with friends, rode my bike, walked a lot in the mountains, shopped a little, and drank vodka and tonics.
I'm 22 right now and so far this year I work full-time, bought my first home, and I'm starting to plan my wedding. I've accomplished a LOT this year.
I got married at 19 and had our first daughter at 21 and at 22 i had our second daughter.

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