Just love...
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If you were going to leave the world one piece of advice before you died, what would you say?
Live life to the fullest
Always ask why!
Sacrifice is evil.
Live for today, because you don't know if you'll have tomorrow.
I would have to concur with General Westmorland who once said, and I think rightly: ';Never start a land war in Asia.''
As true today as it ever was.
Never, ...wait, you must always place a litter bag in your car. You can dispose of your trash in it, and when it gets full, just toss it out.
Listen to your heart and follow its promptings...
i wouldn't say anything. it's all been said before, and people just won't listen so i ain't gonna waste my time. i am not that generous i guess.
Brush your goddamned teeth!
';Change things in the present so they will not become the 'problems of the future.';
i will have to get back with you on that one this seems to be the answer to most quetions asked .or give me a few minutes and i will get right back with yu on that.-----we do not do anything anymore so realy get a job that produces something of value besides more piles of paper.we need the trees go plant one now .
Rid the world of Politically Correct bleeding heart liberals %26amp; Animal Rights extremists before the whole civilised world goes down the pan because of them.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless
that wasn't chicken
Be kind to one another in simple little acts, and appreciate your life in the fact that we are all a part of eachother.
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