Go, feel better, and get better. You have got to want to do it to do it. You are not a failure because you are trying to better yourself.
Read the book ';more, now, and again';....its a memoir about Elizabeth Wurtzel who actually went to silver hill...and her addiction and recovery
find a good friend to talk to and motivate you...email me if you'd like...i hear its a great place from the book I readI'm going to Silver Hill Hospital for drug rehab. Can you give me some advice?
dont go unless you wanna quit for you and not b/c someone is making you. I had a family member that was on drugs and i found that all the times we sent him to rehab didnt work, b/c deep down he really didnt wanna stop what he was doing, but dont feel like a failure thats not the attitude you need to have, besides nobody is perfect
Stop taking drugs.
Well- I have also been to rehab. Twice. and Detox (numerous times) So I know where you are at. Now, the thing is, you WANT to succeed at this (or why would you be asking for advice?) well, here is my advice. LISTEN! That is SOO SOOO important! If you just ignore what they have to say, you just aren't going to learn anything. PARTICIPATE! If you just take the time to have fun and participate in the activities they have to offer, you will find it a whole lot easier to deal! COOPERATE! If they tell you no, then don't do it! First time I went through Rehab, I refused to do any of the following, I got kicked out and ended up relapsing. You MUST use the tools they provide you; because they ARE professionals, they KNOW what they are doing! It WILL be hard, and a very difficult step to take. But if you truly, truly wish to turn your life around, you will take my advice, and you WILL get better. Let them know how you feel, use every possible resource they provide. Do the homework. Good luck!
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