Friday, January 8, 2010

If you can choose who you want to be? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

what would you be..

1.) Born in the rich and perfect family and have everything provided for you. Of course, you have a happy life.

2.) Born in a poor and middle class. Then, working hard to accomplish your goals. Finally, you did accomplish your goals and have a happy life.

Why?If you can choose who you want to be? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
one...I already did two!

Y@YIf you can choose who you want to be? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
Number 2. It would add meaning to what I have and how I obtained it. It is in the struggle that we see who we are and are able to test our abilities. Our values would be put to the test and we would see them lived out. It would be a life worth living.

The other is just existing without the need of examination.

It would have very little meaning, unless you sought out a challenge like Peace Corp. work. It is in the testing and the struggles that you grow as a person. Richer is not better.
I just want to sit under a palm tree and sip beer.

Is that too much to ask?
I would deffinately take number 2. I am currently living that, my family is in financial trouble, etc. But I know I don't want to be the daughter of a rich man. I like to work for and earn what I get ,I don't want to just throw money at someone and get it because I happen to have a stack of green paper with someones face on it.

I like to work for the things I want, it's just the excitement of getting to it, knowing I accomplished something and that feeling of ';I deserve this, I've worked for it'; is really great. Also rich people are generally rude and self centered.

I want to be a Marine, then get married to the young man who has my heart and also wants to be a Marine, then leave the Marines, have a family, settle down on a ranch, and have an even bigger family.

Life is boring if you don't WORK for what you want.


Motto: Get tough or die.
I would choose to live in a poor or middle class family because you probably appreciate everything thing so much more after you finally ';arrive.';
Please with your Liberal tricks. Why do you assume that being born into a rich family is bad?, the parents or grandparents had to work hard for that money. I don't fall for trick questions
i would say 2 because you would probably get more respect in life, and more respect for yourself
I would choose the second one because i want to work hard for something. It makes you fell good if you work for something. For example: I saved up 250 dollars for my new bed i fell so happy i worked for a good night sleep. Life would be boring if it didnt have its up and downs dont you think? I would hate to be ultra millon air and get wht ever i wanted so i could be a spoiled ***** lol. I like who i am i am middle class and i like it. I hope you liked my opionon and good luck =)
number 2 because it just makes life so much more challenging, experiencing and fun life works in mysterious ways and you just gota find the ryhthm.Also you can always appreciate what god has gave you and be able to realize how gratefull you are for being alive and healthy rather than being in someone else's position.
I chose nmber 2 of course. For the middle class and especially for the poor,overcoming the challenges has its sweet rewards. Just keep on moving forward, meeting all the obstacles head on.

In the end, you';ll earn what some rich people cannot have, even to the point of buying it....that is

lol...are you looking for an answer for a class essay question? sounds like it.
The more money you have the more problems you have.
Number 1. I'll tell you why, when you're born, you can have everything and no worry, no parents will argue about bills, you won't have to worry about food on the table. And when you grow up, you won't have to worry about anything, you can make your wife happy, support your kids, have a nice house, make your children happy and a bunch of stuff and always spend time with your kids since you don't have to work.

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