you pay back the loans after you graduate. you need someone with excellent credit to cosign for the loans. From what I've heard, student loans are nothing but trouble, and it's easier to take time off to save up cash, or work full time and go to school full-time spending as little as you can. for example, live at home, live with tons of roomies, and don't have a car.How do student loan work? if you have taken some out whats your advice?
first, take out as little in loans as possible, second, ONLY take it for the actual cost of classes...they throw so much money at you and it's hard to say now when they offer a few thousand more. they justify it saying you may need to buy a computer or other ';necessities'; etc. it adds up quickly and they take forever to pay back.How do student loan work? if you have taken some out whats your advice?
If U have student loans, try to consolidate them to the smallest interest rate , but try to pay extra on the principle to reduce it as fast as possible. U don't want to start work with a heavy debt hanging over U. Get work study where U work and pay tuition. Go to yr financial aid office for help.
I actually earned my money as I went.
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